John M.
Daniel’s Blog
July 9,
Book of Genesis
starts with the six-day creation of the entire population of all the animals
and plants on earth, including a few that have since gone out of print, like
dinosaurs and dodos, and excluding some late-comers like labradoodles and
Monsanto potatoes. I very much like the story-telling in Genesis, but I think Genesis
may not present an accurate account of how animals came to be the way they are.
That theory is debatable, and gee whiz has it ever been debated.
Particularly by fans of Charles
Darwin’s The Origin of Species, which
posits an entirely different account of how animals of olde turned into the
animals they are today. I won’t summarize that book because I haven’t read it. I
expect you already know what it says and about how fauna, especially human
fauna, were born and raised.
now I move on to a third book that sets out to explain how creatures on earth
came to be the way they are. Just So
Stories, by Rudyard Kipling, is a collection of tales telling how a number
of animals (the whale, the camel, the rhinoceros, the leopard, the elephant,
the kangaroo, et al.) acquired their most distinguishing characteristics (its
throat, its hump, its hide, its spots, its trunk, its long hind legs, et al.,
respectively). Each story assumes that there was one member of a species who
experienced a significant physical change as a result of a traumatic experience.
The implication is that all subsequent members of that species have been
descendants of the original survivor of that trauma, and therefore possess the
acquired characteristic (the whale its throat, the camel its hump, etc.).
Just So Stories has
been in print for more than a hundred years. I first heard it read to me
seventy years ago, and I’ve read it and reread it maybe a dozen times since. In
more recent re-readings, I’ve come to appreciate that the stories aren’t just
about how animals acquired their spots, trunks, hides, and so forth; they’re
about attitude.
stubby-nosed young protagonist in “The Elephant’s Child” is repeatedly spanked
by his elders—an Ostrich, a Giraffe, a Hippo, and a Baboon—for asking so many
questions. One of the questions is “What does the Crocodile have for dinner?”
He gets no answer and instead gets thoroughly and painfully spanked instead.
But the Elephant’s Child is still dangerously curious, so he goes down to the
Limpopo River, where he asks the Crocodile directly what he eats for dinner,
and the Crocodile answers by grabbing hold of the Elephant’s Child’s stubby
nose and pulling it, stretching it longer and longer. Fortunately a Python
comes to the Elephant’s Child’s rescue and pulls in the other direction, until
finally the Crocodile gives up, lets go, and swims off down the Limpopo.

a result of this near-death adventure, all elephants to this day have long,
useful trunks. As for the Elephant’s Child, perhaps he learned that being
dangerously curious isn’t such a good thing. But he hasn’t forgotten (elephants
tend to remember) the corporal punishment he has endured at the hands of his
elders, and so when he gets back home he puts his useful new trunk to use
spanking the Ostrich, the Giraffe, the Hippo, and the Baboon. “The Elephant’s
Child” is also a story of revenge.
to “The Sing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo,” the Kangaroo once had four short legs.
He wants to be somehow more distinctive than he is, so he goes to a god named
Nqong in the Australian outback and asks Nqong to make him “different from all
other animals…popular and wonderfully run after by five this afternoon.” Nqong,
agrees, and promptly sics a Dingo dog on the Kangaroo. Dingo chases Kangaroo
all over Australia, all day long. As a result of this all-day ordeal of fear
and physical exercise, all kangaroos to this day have long, powerful hind legs,
with which they can run from their predators, and they can be justly proud of
being different from all other animals.

you haven’t read Just So Stories
recently, give yourself a treat. Kipling’s book may not enlighten you as to how
all the animals really developed, but these stories will reward you with their
humor, their rhythm, and their wisdom. I particularly recommend “The Cat that
Walked by Himself” for its remarkable insight into the inscrutable feline
spirit. It’s my favorite of all Kipling’s stories, and if I had read the entire
works of Sir Rudyard (which I most certainly have not), I suspect I would still
call that story his masterpiece. I won’t summarize it here. I wouldn’t do it

that your mind is already made up about the origin of species, I won’t urge you
to subscribe to creationism, to evolutionism, or to Kipling’s notions of how
this variously populated planet ended up the way it did. Actually, I think the
evolving of life on earth hasn’t ended up at all. I believe we’re still in the
process of creation and destruction, and perhaps we should stop debating the
issue of Genesis vs. Darwin. Perhaps
we human beings should worry a lot less about where we came from and a lot more
about where we’re going.
I am fond of animal stories. So, as you’ll see, are the authors of the
collection of 99-word stories I am about to show you. So scroll down and enjoy
them. And when you’re done, please check out my promotion of an animal story of
my own, at the end of this post.
a collection of 99-word stories
by June Kosier
I was in a restaurant
with my husband, teasing him about what I considered his list of priorities. I
told him I didn’t mind dropping to second place when our daughter was born, but
I did mind dropping to third when we got a dog. I also sometimes felt that he
pushed me down the totem pole for bowling. He told me that I definitely ranked
higher than bowling.
A woman sitting nearby
came to our table and said, “You miserable man, your wife should always come
first.” And then left.
After we got over our
surprise, we laughed.
Tom Donovan
need to get up!”
cat’s hungry, that’s why!”
your cat, and it’s my day to sleep in.”
hate the cat!”
true. It’s the geography.”
“I’m not fond of the cat
in or on our bed! I like him better on the other side of the closed bedroom
likes it here with us!”
intimacy is difficult with the cat on our pillow!”
do you want from me?”
decision: choose either the cat or me on the pillow!”
think about it and let you know.”
already have!”
Cathy Mayrides
ran in front of a car when he was a puppy. A long scar remained on top of his
head, making him look like a piggy bank. Then, he electrocuted himself, jumped
out a second story window, got stung by angry bees (he was allergic), and tore
his belly on a fence. These were just a few of his seemingly suicidal episodes.
Yet, my family was fond of this nut.
one ever said, “The dog’s got to go.” When we took an animal in, it had a home
forever. Through thick, thin, and bizarre, he was ours.
by Herman Cantor
“Because it’s disgusting, that’s why. I don’t
understand what you see in her anyway. She’s ugly, filthy, stupid, doesn’t
speak proper English.… Face it, my dear, she’s an animal!”
“I can’t help it, Jane. She and I have been best
friends since we were little kids. I love her.”
“Are you sleeping with her?”
“Because if so, we’re finished. She’s probably got
VD. So. Do you two do it?”
“Define ‘it.’”
“Don’t touch me! I’m leaving.”
Tarzan and Terk held hands as they watched Jane
board the river boat that would take her out of the jungle.
Carolyn Masters
“We’re not going to get another dog.”
My husband declared this theme repeatedly during the year after our dachshund
passed away.
“We’re only going to hug and socialize
the dogs at the rescue adoption event this Saturday,” I replied.
Shortly after we arrived, a staff
member asked Scott to watch Isabelle, a young female dachshund who’d recently had puppies. Isabelle leaped onto his lap and into
his heart.
find the two of them snoozing on Scott’s leather recliner chair. Yes dear, I sighed, I love you. Just don’t forget that you have TWO girls in your life.
Madelyn Lorber
married him because he was exciting. I’d never be bored. I rationalized his
peculiarities away. Admittedly, trips to the Everglades were a thrill—airboat rides on that river of grass; alligators
sunning on the banks of canals; eagles, falcons perched atop
giant pine.
a rush of emotion, I whispered, “I love you.”
glad you do, ’cause.…” With
net and lasso he captured one unsuspecting creature and declared, “…this beauty’s coming home with us.”
It was an endangered panther.
I said, “I love you, but you’re going to have to choose between me and that
Jerry Giammatteo
Jack approached tentatively with stick in hand to guide
the rodent to the cage. Peanut butter and apple slices placed outside the trap
as an inducement seemed useless.
Maddeningly, Julie seemed fond of the furry intruder in
their attic.
“Don’t hurt him; he’s sorta cute,” she said, much to
Jack’s chagrin.
Suddenly the beast ignored Jack’s stick and leapt
toward him. He fell through the trap door,
down several feet to their bedroom. Jack was dazed.
“You didn’t hurt him, did you?”
Jack fumed. “I love you, but you’re going to have to
choose between me and that animal.
by Diane Morelli
Our son moved out, taking his beagle,
cockatiel, and ferret with him. My wife and I agreed.
“Just the two of us,” I said.
She said, “Heavenly.”
A few evenings later, a ginger tabby stained gray
from motor oil came home with me.
“Why was this house cat wandering in the
repair shop?” my wife asked.
“Cheetah lived with Alice, Charlie’s
girlfriend. Charlie moved in with them. When he broke out in hives, he told
Alice one of them needed to go.”
“Playboy Charlie, with the green eyes and
auburn hair?”
“That’s the one.”
“Alice chose the wrong redhead.”
Christine Viscuso
“Yes, I love you, but you’re going to
have to choose between me and that animal.”
“That’s unfair, Stan.”
“Dudley drools. He slobbers. I wake up with a soggy pillow.”
“You also drool.”
“It’s abnormal to sleep with a St.
Bernard, Phyllis. He buries his biscuits under my pillow.”
at that face. He’s so cute.”
weekly food bill is off the charts. And the vet bills. I’m thinking of applying for Obamacare.”
“Just look at that face. He’s cute and he gives unconditional love.”
him or me, Phyllis.”
“Take out the garbage when you leave,
all published authors—
I feature a guest author
the third Saturday (and week following) of each month. If you’re interested in
posting an essay on my blog—it’s also a chance to promote a published
book—email me directly at
Call for submissions: Your 99-Word
deadline for August’s 99-word story submissions is August 1. The stories will
appear on my blog post for August 13, and will stay posted for a week.
note: this 99-word story feature
is a game, not a contest. Obey the rules and I’ll include your story. I may
edit the story to make it stronger, and it’s understood that you will submit to
my editing willingly. That’s an unwritten rule.
Rules for the 99-word
story feature are as follows:
1. Your story must be 99
words long, exactly.
2. One story per writer,
per month.
3. The story must be a
story. That means it needs plot (something or somebody has to change),
characters, and conflict.
4. The story must be
inspired by the prompt I assign.
5. The deadline: the
first of the month. Stories will appear on this blog the second Saturday of the
6. I will copy edit the
story. The author of the story retains all rights.
NEXT MONTH’S 99-WORD STORY: Imagine a special
place you like to go, a place that has much meaning for you. Write a story
about going to that place, and being surprised to find someone there whom you
haven’t seen in a long, long time.
The Ballad of Toby and Lark
A Cat Fantasy
John M. Daniel
paperback original
pages • $10.00
an autographed copy,
call John at (800) 662-8351
wouldn’t you do to win the heart of the one you love the most?
is a simple farm boy, and Lark is the gardener he loves. Lark loves a handsome
cat, also named Toby. Toby and Toby are much alike. In fact.…
in an unnamed preindustrial society, this is the story of a shy young fellow
named Toby, who’s in love with his neighbor, a gardener named Lark. Alas, Lark,
who’s twice Toby’s age, is wooed and won by Toby’s abusive Uncle Pewter.
Toby takes his troubles to Mistress Mangle, a witch in the woods, and she turns
him into a proud and handsome cat. In his new fur tuxedo coat, Toby returns to
the village and to Lark’s farm, where she takes him in and names him Toby,
after the friend who disappeared.
has no use for cats. He kicks poor Toby out into the midst of winter, and so
the cat returns to Mistress Mangle, where, with the help of a flirtatious
female cat named Vixen, they plot their revenge. Another metamorphosis, a
rollicking party, and a chase in the night, followed by another broken heart.
works out in the end: Toby (the cat) is reunited with Lark. By that time Lark
has taken a new partner, a man named Tom, and Toby comes to love him as well.
The story is told in “informal verse.” The language
has the playfulness of a kitten and the dignity of a cat. The book is
illustrated throughout with black and white renderings of heroes, heroines and
villains, houses and farms, country lanes and wildwoods, and cats, cats, cats.
Thank you for visiting.
Please drop by next week.